About me

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Since the school year is coming to end I have goals I would like to accomplish. One of my goals I would like to accomplish is to finish the year on a good note. What I mean is I hope I end the year happy and with good grades. Another one of my goals is to receive an award. Honestly this has been one of my goals since the beginning of the year so I hope I receive one. Another goal I have since the school year is coming to an end is to stay close with the all the kids at my school. Since the school year is coming to end I also have goals for the summer of 2017. My first goal for the summer is to get tanned. I can’t wait for the warm weather to come and can’t wait to go to the beach with the warm sand. Next goal for the summer is to also work on school stuff. Even though it is summer I still would like to do some what of school work. Third goal of mine is to go out and try things I haven't done before.


  1. Hi Natasha! These sound like great goals! I will see you soon at graduation! :)
